January 5, 2018

My Pregnancy Journey: First Trimester

Not everyone gets to experience and make the most of their first trimester because it usually passes by without them knowing that there’s a tiny creature growing inside them. I actually feel lucky that I got to experience it, or maybe not because my hormones went crazy during my first trimester which we’ll discuss more about later. I was 9 weeks and 6 days in when I found out I was pregnant. And that’s where this all started.

When you first find out you are pregnant you either feel incredibly happy or scared for what’s to come. Honestly, I felt the latter. I got incredibly anxious mainly because I wasn’t ready. It was a long and tiring process of acceptance and trying to go with the flow. I remember being hot headed all the time. I would make a big deal about the smallest things which doesn’t usually happen (even when I’m PMS-ing). I also felt incredibly heavy which is weird because I don’t really weigh that much. Another thing I remember is feeling sleepy all the time. I was working on a movie that time and going to an office during our shoot breaks, which actually made things worse (so Ken, my Wardrobe Angel, thank you for understanding. Hahahah). A heap load of over thinking also didn’t help, it’s like my mind had a mind of its own. It just wouldn’t stop. Hopefully your first trimester brain isn’t as crazy as mine. As for my body, nothing has changed yet during this period aside from the heaviness that I was feeling, everything else felt normal. 

This is the most exciting part! You get to hear your baby’s heartbeat. Every worry and stress I was feeling disappeared when I heard my baby’s heartbeat. It’s an emotional moment and the hormones didn’t help at all. As for your baby’s size, he will grow from being a poppy seed to a pear. I found this chart on Pinterest which I quickly saved on my phone and I remember looking at this with excitement every week.


I’ve never been a health buff. I’d always choose fast food, junk food and soda over vegetables, fruits and water. But during my first trimester everything changed, but not entirely. Everybody needs a cheat day, okay?! Hahaha. Anyway, everyone might tell you to eat for two, but I think it’s better if you don’t, but make sure you eat right. Eat just enough to keep you and the tiny creature inside you going. You wouldn’t want to gain that much weight cause that might affect your birthing process. But we are all different, so it’s still up to you. But here’s one advice that everyone of us should all live by: HYDRATE! Pregnant or not we should all hydrate. Okay? Okay. 

Since I’m not that fluffy and I didn’t really get big even during my third trimester, it wasn’t that difficult for me to dress my bump. My usual shirt + pants/shorts combo still did the trick. 

•If you found out about your pregnancy through a pregnancy test, I suggest you get an ultrasound, ASAP. Getting to see your little one is an amazing feeling. Knowing that the tiny blob inside you will soon grow into a beautiful human is just mind-blowing. Plus, it’ll also serve as a souvenir. I know mine did. 
•Find a doctor and build a relationship with her/him. This person is going to help you with everything baby-related. But you can also do your own research. Alongside this, i’m sure your doctor will prescribe you with pre-natal meds, make sure you take them religiously. Trust me, it’ll pay-off. 
•Get lots of sleep. Once the baby is out, there’s no going back. Hahahaha
•Take care of yourself. This part of your pregnancy is very crucial to the normal development of your baby. So take good care of yourself, you may not be showing much on the outside, but inside you, your baby’s organs are forming. So, be careful. 

Again, I’m not an expert. All of these are based from experience, research and advice from different people. Every pregnancy is different. If you are having troubles, seek help. Also, if you feel like everything is off-track, remember, this is just a phase. I’m sure you’ll get through it, just like I did.

Post inspiration: Just Another Mummy Blog

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