January 2, 2018

New Beginning

“Whatever happened over this past year, be thankful for where it brought you. Where you are is where you’re meant to be.”

2017 was one heck of a year. There were lots of challenges that made us wiser, experiences that made us appreciate things better and feelings that made us stronger. I, myself started my greatest adventure this year. I became a mom, and its probably the greatest thing that has happened to me.

2017 was filled with a mixture of surprises. Good surprises that made my heart jump for joy and bad surprises that made me reflect and question things. This year gave us Caleb but it also took someone away from us. It’s like the universe has this unspoken rule of making sure things are equal, hence these happy-sad moments. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. I believe that those challenges are the ones that make us stronger but I wish that the universe would sometimes make an exemption and let people feel pure bliss without doing/taking anything in return.

As cliché as it may sound, I do believe that we should all live by the words: “No regrets, just lessons learned.” Cause at the end of the day what matters most is that you gained something from whatever it is that you went through. The sun will still rise, the stars will still shine and the waves will still flow. You are a better version of yourself, and if you don’t believe me, well, we have this entire year to let the world convince you, that you are and you deserve to be happy.

This year, I’ll go back to my roots. I’ll give blogging another try. But this time, I won’t just talk about what I wore or where I’ve been, I’ll write about my Mommy adventures and mishaps, just because it gets pretty crazy and I want to share it with you. This will serve as my online journal, to help new moms like me and get a few tips from you too.

 2018, new year, new experiences and a new beginning. Let’s make the most out of this year just like the past years. Leave all the grudges with 2017 and take the best memories and make new ones this 2018.

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