January 7, 2018

My Pregnancy Journey: Second Trimester

Now that we're past the crazy part of this roller coaster ride and entering the calm area, I want you to give yourself a pat on the back. You can calm down now, you can probably go back to regular programming but you still have to be really careful. The second trimester is usually the easiest part of a woman's pregnancy, so make the most of it. 

Your body has probably adjusted to the growing creature inside you, but since your baby is growing everyday, there are still a couple of things you have to watch out for. In my experience, during my second trimester, my pee breaks doubled and it got pretty annoying. My hormones were still in overdrive but I've learned how to manage them. My belly started to grow, I was finally out of the awkward stage but it still looked pretty small. 

Is it a boy or a girl? This is the part where you find out the gender of your baby. Some parents decide not to find out the gender of their baby, but I chose otherwise. I was too excited not to know. I was too eager to go out and buy clothes and other stuff for my little one! Another thing, your doctor will ask you to do is the Congenital Anomaly Scan. This is a more detailed scan. It checks for major physical abnormalities in your baby, although not all problems can be detected. I'm one lucky momma because my baby turned out fine. Toes and fingers are complete and other parts are well developed. You also probably felt the little one kick or punch. Yep, you're not imagining things, your baby will start moving around, so brace yourself. You can either have a naughty kickboxing baby -like mine, or a calm and collected one.

I've said this before and i'll say it over and over again. Hydrate. :)

This trimester is likely the time when you'll see some changes in your body. From an expanding waistline to widening hips, the bump is slowly growing and getting more obvious. Since I was still working and wanted to feel comfortable all the time, I switched to loose tops and shift dresses. It's one of those things that you just throw on in the morning and you're ready to go. I also got a tad bit lazy when it comes to dressing up, so a shift dress did the trick. You can still wear whatever you want, just make sure that your little one is not getting squished. 

Make the most of the growing belly, it feels great to feel a bit of special treatment from the world. MRT/LRT Stations, cashiers, movie ticket counters, drugstores, groceries, etc., has a special line for pregnant women. Just make sure you have a proof of your pregnancy with you in case they ask for it (or just let them feel the bump). Hahaha

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