January 24, 2018

Diaper Bag Checklist

The first time I went out with my baby, my diaper bag was overflowing with things. Things that I really didn’t need and was just making my bag heavy. Every baby is different and the things you need would depend on a lot of things. You have to consider the number of hours you’ll be out, where you are going and how old your child is. So, to help my fellow first-time moms, Here are the essentials you would want to have in your diaper bag. 

Clothes (Onesie, Socks, Mittens, Beanie) - Babies are so unpredictable and they are a ball of energy. So you’ll never know if your baby will turn into a Drool Disaster, Poop Monster or Vomit Creature. Just pack an extra outfit or two. 

Wipes - You can either pack the entire pack or just put some in a resealable bag. Depends on how long you’ll be gone. Wipes are very versatile, you can use it to wipe your baby’s drooly hands or poopy butt. 

Diapers - Pack one for every two hours that you’re out plus a few more just to be sure. 

Changing Pad - I got mine free with my other diaper bag. Some surfaces would look clean, but are you sure they're clean enough for your baby to lay on? This is where your changing pad comes in handy. 

Washcloth - You might want to bring 2-3 extra washcloths. Caleb is in a stage wherein he wants to put everything in his mouth. That is why I make sure I bring a couple. 

Blanket - I know we live in a tropical country and it doesn’t really get too chilly. I bring a light blanket for spontaneous trips to the mall or somewhere chilly. 

Nursing Cover - To keep things a little bit private, bring a nursing cover. Not really an essential, cause you shouldn’t feel the need to cover up. 

Snacks - After feeding my baby, I always find myself hungry. So, I bring a snack with me wherever I go. And yes, I know Hansel isn’t a healthy snack, but I love it anyway. 

Breast Pads - For Mommy’s overflowing milk. And of course, to avoid the dreaded milk circles on your shirt. Always bring a Breast Pad! 

Extra Shirt for Mom - Vomit, Drool, Pee Fountain or Poop Explosion. It’s just bound to happen when you have a baby around and you wouldn't want to be seen walking around with poop or any stain on your shirt. 

Wallet and Keys - My baby’s diaper bag is also my bag. I don’t even bother to bring a purse for myself, so I just put all of my necessities in the diaper bag.

Nail Clipper/Emery Board - Cutting a baby’s nail is like trying to defuse a time bomb. It’s just so scary and one of the most difficult things I had to do. You wouldn’t want to miss an opportunity to cut your little one’s nails. So just bring the nail clipper with you wherever you go. 

Resealable/Plastic Bag - Unavoidable poop explosions and vomits are a part of a baby’s life. You can throw a diaper away, but you wouldn’t want to throw the soiled clothes, right? This is where your trusty resealable bag comes in handy. 

Comb - My baby doesn’t have much hair, but I still bring a comb. 😂

Thermometer - Just in case your baby gets sick. You should check the temperature first before giving him any medicine. 

Alcohol/Sanitizer - After changing the diaper, touching a dirty surface or to offer to anyone who wants to carry/touch your baby. 

Mosquito Patches - Tiny flying creatures are my worst enemy specially mosquitoes. I use mosquito patches to keep them away. 

Pacifier - Not everyone is a fan of pacifiers, but I find that it really helps my baby calm down. 

Toy - Babies’ attention span is incredibly short. They get bored so easily. So I bring a few toys with me to keep him entertained. 

There are a lot of diaper bags out in the market. But make sure you try it on before purchasing it. Not all diaper bags would fit your needs, do your research and look around first. The diaper bag that I use isn’t really a diaper bag. So, if you don’t find the right diaper bag for you, try looking at the regular backpacks or tote bags. As long as it serves its purpose, then you’re good to go!

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