February 7, 2018

What to pack in your Hospital Bag

You’ve decorated the nursery, bought clothes for your baby and now you’re just waiting for the perfect time of your little one’s arrival. But there’s one thing left to do: pack your hospital bag. Third-trimester Mommies, this one is for you! I know that you want to be ready and don’t want to leave things at home, so I put together this list to help you out. 

Side-Note: I underwent emergency C-Section. My baby and I stayed in the hospital for 4 days but I was discharged on Day 2. Caleb had to stay a little bit longer due to medical reasons. 

Packing things in your Hospital Bag can be pretty stressful. You don’t want to leave things, but you also don’t want to be seen carrying in 3 huge luggages to your hospital room. Take it from me, I was only carrying 2 bags- one for me and one for the baby, but I'm 100% sure that I over-packed. I did my research but still ended up not using 70% of what I brought.

Comfy Underwear - or Granny Panties. I know this doesn't sound sexy at all. But because of the incision, my doctor advised me to wear comfy underwear or even granny panties. Because of the wound, I have to make sure that the garments I wear were above the wound to avoid infections and avoid the formation of keloids.

Nursing Bra - as stated in my previous posts, this is a must if you're a breastfeeding mom.

Nursing Tank - again, for breastfeeding. But I actually wore mine on my way home, cause I basically lived in my hospital gown. It was easier and I couldn't move that much because of the wound.

Going-Home Clothes - my only advice is to wear a breastfeeding friendly outfit.

Slippers/Flip-flops - hospital floors are pretty clean. Cleaners come in everyday to make sure that everything is neat and tidy. But those clean floors aren't a hundred percent clean and get extremely cold.

Socks - if your tolerance with cold temperatures is pretty low, then bring socks. You know those times when it's not too cold but your feet are freezing? That's when they came in handy.

Pajama Bottoms - another cold intolerant's best buddy. My body temperature was really messed up after the operation. I would feel really hot and then cold. It was all extremes. And a soft pajama bottom really helped me solve this issue. I just wore it under my hospital gown.

Nightgown or robe - as I've said before, I basically lived in my hospital gown, so whenever I would have to leave the room to get some sun, I would just put a robe over the gown.

Binder - a C-Section must have. I really couldn't thank my binder enough. It has served me well, but I don't miss you. Hahaha. If you'll go through C-Section, you would probably have to wear your binder for two months, well, I did. It helped a lot, but it just gets annoying- having to wear it all the time.

Phone Charger - this one is self-explanatory.

Camera - you would want to immortalize your first moments with the baby. You can bring a digital camera or a polaroid. I always opt for the latter. I just find instant photos really lovely and makes everything extra special.

Lip Balm - okay, this one is probably the most important thing. I may be exaggerating, but here is why... I was brought in the labor room at 8PM and was only allowed to drink once, which was at 12 Midnight. I was then wheeled in the delivery room at 8AM and was only given a shot of cold water after they gave me the epidural, and if I remember it right, it was like a reward or something. I don't know the science behind this, but all I'm trying to say is, my lips were drier than the Sahara Desert. So, bring a moisturizing lip balm with you. Even in the labor and delivery room, if you can.

Toiletries - toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, bath soap, lotion, deodorant, moisturizer, etc.

Bath Towel - your hospital might provide you with a bath towel, but there's nothing better than using your own bath towel.

Hair Tie or Clip - to get your hair out of your face. Trust me, you would just want it out of the way. 

ID and Other Documents - you might be so busy packing your essentials that you forget to bring your IDs and Medical Records. Just put them in an envelope and shove it in your bag. 

Onesie/Frogsuit - make sure your bring a couple in different sizes. The size of your baby might shock you, he may be as big as you expected or really massively cute like mine.

Socks, Mittens, Beanie - Babies' body temperature are weird. And these things help keep them warm. But remember, every baby is different. Caleb didn't like wearing his beanie, so we just made sure he wasn't feeling cold by covering the rest of his then tiny body. 

Receiving Blanket - you would never see an unwrapped baby. All babies look like a human burrito specially right after they're born. A Receiving Blanket is what I preferred to use to wrap him up.

Newborn Diapers - you don't want your baby bathing in his own pee or poop.

Cotton/Wipes - this one is up to you. You can use either a cotton ball or wipes to clean your baby's poop and pee. I prefer to use a cotton ball dipped in water.

Baby Shampoo - again, self-explanatory.

Going Home Outfit - see photo below for my baby's going-home outfit. :)

Car Seat - this is kinda optional, I brought mine but didn't really use it. The hospital wasn't too far from our house so I just held him in my arms. 

Again, every pregnancy and birthing story is different. These are just the essentials, you can bring other things that you think you would need. Maybe bring a book or your eye solution if you wear contacts, you can also bring a nursing pillow. At the end of the day, what matters most is the baby is going to be with you and has everything he needs. Let me leave you with this throwback photo of my baby.

P.S. - I put some suggestions via click-through links. Don't forget to check those out. ♥

1 comment:

  1. PLEASE do not listen to this woman as far as car seats go! Most hospitals won’t even let you leave if you don’t have one and for good reason! Would you really risk your newborn baby’s life because you simply couldn’t be bothered to put him in his car seat? You might have a 1 minute drive home and something could still happen. How irresponsible & dangerous. Then to make matters worse, you actually post it on the internet for every new mom to read! Seriously can’t even believe this right now.
